
endurance stat icon



Exact Values

Endurance Stamina Equip Burden Bleed
1 81 41.0 10
2 82 42.0 13
3 83 43.0 17
4 84 44.0 20
5 85 45.0 23
6 86 46.0 27
7 87 47.0 30
8 88 48.0 33
9 90 49.0 37
10 91 50.0 30
11 93 51.0 44
12 95 52.0 48
13 97 53.0 52
14 98 54.0 56
15 100 55.0 60
16 102 56.0 63
17 104 57.0 65
18 106 58.0 68
19 108 59.0 71
20 110 60.0 73
21 112 61.0 76
22 115 62.0 79
23 117 63.0 81
24 119 64.0 84
25 121 65.0 87
26 124 66.0 89
27 126 67.0 92
28 129 68.0 95
29 131 69.0 97
30 133 70.0 100
31 136 71.0 101
32 139 72.0 101
33 141 73.0 102
34 144 74.0 103
35 146 75.0 104
36 149 76.0 104
37 152 77.0 106
38 154 78.0 106
39 157 79.0 107
40 160 80.0 107
41 160 81.0 108
42 160 82.0 109
43 160 83.0 109
44 160 84.0 110
45 160 85.0 111
46 160 86.0 112
47 160 87.0 112
48 160 88.0 113
49 160 89.0 114
50 160 90.0 114
51 160 91.0 115
52 160 92.0 116
53 160 93.0 117
54 160 94.0 117
55 160 95.0 118
56 160 96.0 119
57 160 97.0 120
58 160 98.0 120
59 160 99.0 121
60 160 100.0 122
61 160 101.0 122
62 160 102.0 123
63 160 103.0 124
64 160 104.0 125
65 160 105.0 126
66 160 106.0 128
67 160 107.0 127
68 160 108.0 128
69 160 109.0 128
70 160 110.0 129
71 160 111.0 130
72 160 112.0 130
73 160 113.0 131
74 160 114.0 132
75 160 115.0 133
76 160 116.0 133
77 160 117.0 134
78 160 118.0 135
79 160 119.0 136
80 160 120.0 136
81 160 121.0 137
82 160 122.0 138
83 160 123.0 138
84 160 124.0 139
85 160 125.0 140
86 160 126.0 141
87 160 127.0 141
88 160 128.0 142
89 160 129.0 143
90 160 130.0 143
91 160 131.0 144
92 160 132.0 145
93 160 133.0 146
94 160 134.0 146
95 160 135.0 147
96 160 136.0 148
97 160 137.0 149
98 160 138.0 149
99 160 139.0 150

Movement Speed and Equip Burden

There are four rolling and walking speeds, depending on the character's weight class. Weight class entirely depends on the current equipment's weight over Equip Burden.
Weight class value (equipped_weight/equip_burden) can be taken as a percentage.
For example, 26.2/64.0 = 0.409 = 40.9%.

Equipped Weight /
Equip Burden
Weight Class Roll & Jog Speed
<25% light fastest
>=25% and <=50% medium medium
>50% and <100% heavy slow
>=100% over-encumbered no roll & walk only
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