Orange Guidance Soapstone


In Game Description

Online play item.
Write/view/rate message.

Messages transmit to other worlds, where they
are rated. Also, rate messages of others.

In Lordran, the flow of time is distorted,
and messages allow Undead to assist
(or deceive) one another.



  • Allows the player to make and rate comments on the ground for other players. Each player can write up to six messages at a time, per character.
  • Using the orange guidance soapstone and selecting "Rate Message" will allow you to give a plus or minus rating to the last message you read.
  • Only needs to be bought once and then can be used infinite times.


  • The Orange Guidance Soapstone is not required to rate messages. While reading a message, press the Select/Back button, and it will instantly bring up the ratings screen to either rate it up or down. The soapstone is only required to rate the last message you've read if you're not currently reading it.
  • If you cast Seek Guidance, you will see more messages. This miracle will also show some hidden developer messages.
  • If you find a message useful, give it a positive rating. Helpful messages can inform others of impending secrets or pitfalls.

Message Mechanics

  • The visibility of messages ebbs and flows when you enter an area. Higher rated ones are more likely to appear and reappear.
  • Messages written by others will normally display the total number of times they've been rated (positive or negative) and not the sum of their ratings. A message that has been rated +3 and -2 will have a "5" rating. With Seek Guidance you will be able to see the message's +/- ratings separately.
  • Messages are not confined to the co-op level range. A low level player can create a message that a high level player will see.
  • Messages created by other players do not sync with their current multiplayer-pool. Once a message shows up in a player's world, it will typically last for a while, even if the player who left the message has logged off. Players in co-op or PvP are not guaranteed to see the same messages.
  • Messages are somehow filtered or randomized to display for others. If a player casts 6 messages in total, it is possible for only one out of the six to show up for a friend, if any show up at all. Messages can also take a long time to display after being cast.
  • There is no confirmed reward for receiving an upvote on a message.1

Message Icons

Developer messages show an Oscar of Astora avatar, while user-created messages have an avatar of other various NPCs. Which NPC is displayed will change with the number of ratings it has received:

Rating Avatar Image
n/a Oscar of Astora msg-icon-oscar.png
0-100 Undead Merchant Male msg-icon-merchant.png
101-200 Solaire of Astora msg-icon-solaire.png
201-300 Domhnall of Zena msg-icon-domhnall.png
301-500 Lady of the Darkling msg-icon-darkling.png
501+ Primordial Serpent msg-icon-serpent.png
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