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(desc / asc)
Version Character(s) Game Plan Language(s) Timezone Popularity
(desc / asc)
Last Updated
(desc / asc)
axe_faxe EU sl 35 gravelord sword dude I really want someone to help me with a few bosses such as four kings etc,
pls pm me
EN, LT Central Europe 1 19 Mar 2014 17:46
avengerEX Asia infinity PvP english Australia Central 0 29 Feb 2012 13:52
assshooter2 US Trolling build SL 125 high faith and endurance, Spams WotG.
DEX build SL ~20 still in progress
To PvP, for first build.
Will help a lot in PvE with Dex build, just send me a message saying you're from the wiki and I'll go (up to sen's fortress and lower.) Mostly on during 3-8 PM
English, Spanish US Pacific 0 25 Jul 2012 08:32
AssassinsMan US 50-270 Creating a tournament at Undead Burg um I need 5 host not including me one as lord blade of cairian,iron turkus,iron golem,abyss artorious,hawkeye Gough, ok i need invaders as shiva of the east,ninga body guard,Smough,Oriestin and I'm a giant sentiel US Central 0 11 May 2013 21:50
Assassin_650 US Sl 156 Coop or pvp all for fun English US Eastern 1 31 Jan 2013 08:56
Arcangel49 US FyreGuy (so far) Want to do more PvP! English US Eastern 0 08 Feb 2012 20:59
Arakun96 EU Arakun I usually try to co-op since i'm not built for PvP yet. Italian English GMT / UTC 0 09 Jun 2013 17:22
Aplicacion2 US Pyromancer SL 74 Mostly Co-op with the community but I also play PvP too...
Trade weapons and humanity. Add me on PSN!
English GMT / UTC 1 30 May 2012 17:57
apacolypz1211 US Hunter Level 185, Going after trophies and playing NG+ currently. Need help beating ornstein and smough. I have to beat smough first this play through. Any help would be welcomed. Maybe co op through other bosses and some pvp English US Eastern 0 21 Dec 2014 18:12
Apacheflisk EU Vertamaye
To catch 'em all, I guess. English GMT / UTC 1 17 Jul 2013 15:26
AngelWolfz US 4 or 5 diff builds. Faith-currently playing 60/Dex-120/Str-60/Magician-100/idk-10 Just playing to have some fun English US Eastern 0 31 Mar 2013 18:40
andre_ldsg US Hakghen - Pyromancer - SL84 Just want to help a bit in any way and do some fun PvP. English, Brazilian Portuguese US Central 0 16 Jan 2013 16:20
a_mor US 125 knight Coop….pvp anything just beat ornstien and smough english US Eastern 0 10 Sep 2012 12:16
amonbodom US various soul level builds from SL 40 to 200. from mage tanks to str tanks to quality builds etc co-op and co-op play throughs. I thoroughly love multiplayer adventures but am terrible at PVP. open to try it out, but only if encouraged by host player. english, italian US Eastern 0 28 Oct 2014 02:23
Alseho US 120ish characters, want to restart and make a faith intelligence build I am willing to do some Co-op with new builds, also some PvP, and if you are willing to drop some slabs(regular, white, and/or blue) I would appreciate it, I hate farming them. English, Español, Français US Central 0 28 Dec 2014 04:49
alexsnow95 US US Pacific 0 06 May 2014 22:48
alexandre_4400 EU GENESIS portuguese english Central Europe 0 04 Apr 2013 19:37
Akumokagetsu US Lvl 50 & Lvl 120 Pyromancer For co-op, pvp, or new playthroughs altogether. English US Central 0 17 Sep 2015 00:05
aKiBa_55 US Johnny Sasaki lvl16 Knight first playthrough Fast tank type, currently looking for help with Capra Demon. English US Eastern 0 10 Oct 2012 15:58
agent_Kx2 US Char Name: Raphael
Class: Thief
Lvl: 160-ish
Build: Tank + ninja mobility + Pyro
Soul wage: 1m everyday
PvP and fight honorably by bowing, praying after their death, and putting a prism stone on their deathbed. English US Mountain 0 14 Feb 2012 02:03
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