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(desc / asc)
Version Character(s) Game Plan Language(s) Timezone Popularity
(desc / asc)
Last Updated
(desc / asc)
amonbodom US various soul level builds from SL 40 to 200. from mage tanks to str tanks to quality builds etc co-op and co-op play throughs. I thoroughly love multiplayer adventures but am terrible at PVP. open to try it out, but only if encouraged by host player. english, italian US Eastern 0 28 Oct 2014 02:23
Xalm_Down EU One leve 55 Pyromancer with Mask of the Mother, Silver Knight chestplate, and Channeler leggings. I am looking for people just to play with in general. If it PvP or Co-Op i'm up for it, No Ganking though. I also have a few high level chars in DS2. English Australia Central 0 24 Oct 2014 16:03
RoreoBooger US Lvl 20-23 (not positive) Pyromancer Looking for help with directions/enemies/ overall beginner, Completed demons Souls but this is on a whole new level English US Eastern 0 15 Oct 2014 15:28
Exia94 Asia SL 80+ Some coop and Pvp would be nice :) just add me. I'm on my first playthrough on dark souls.

I have dark souls 2 too but have not even touched it.
English Australia Western 0 07 Oct 2014 07:47
Deshan119 Asia Level 71 Pyromancer, Gold hemmed black set, If anyone Needs any help with bosses or just wanna pvp, ill hekp :D English Australia Western 0 01 Oct 2014 21:39
Ricky_Rei_Vega US Level 130 with Boar Helmet, Smough's Gauntles, and Black Iron Armor + Leggings. Started a new character recently and would like to co-op with someone! I'm willing to help/play with anyone down to have a good time! PvP, PvE, whatever! :D English, Spanish US Eastern 0 29 Sep 2014 19:53
Ermin1982 EU Cleric (SL 88)
Pyromancer (SL 1)
Ich würde als Pyromancer ein neues Spiel starten und im Co-op spielen. Wer ebenfalls von vorne anfangen und das Spiel im Co-op durchspielen will, kann sich gerne melden.

Als Kleriker habe ich das Spiel fast beendet und kann bei Endgegnern behilflich sein.
German Central Europe 0 24 Sep 2014 13:23
FourFate Soul level 1 I just want to start all over again on completely new characters and co op with 1-2 people, if your interested message me. English Australia Central 0 16 Sep 2014 04:32
SgtOfCheese US a lvl 153 warrior with black knight weapons and pyromancy I can help with most or all bosses. I know the movesets. English US Eastern 0 13 Sep 2014 21:21
THEgiantdad69 EU lots all different levels including ng+ giant dad looking for some swagtastic pvp and sum super dank run throughs of the game (co-op plays hopefully up to ng+7 if were lucky English (UK) GMT / UTC 0 10 Sep 2014 15:32
sween85 EU Knight Co-op and trading level 184 i will help anybody anywere just message me and will use name engraved ring if need be and im on dark souls 2 :-) English Central Europe 0 07 Sep 2014 15:24
Zealous_Paradox US Every character is around 125 English Australia Central 0 18 Aug 2014 05:29
Creeper4you US English US Eastern 0 12 Aug 2014 07:03
spaceski93 EU Level 90 Str/fth build first playthrough pve assist or let me assist you with bosses etc… English Australia Central 1 30 Jul 2014 07:41
callanlaws91 EU Second playthrough level 80 Cleric general co-op shenanigans English GMT / UTC 0 28 Jul 2014 19:43
SunnyGrivet US Sic Semper English US Eastern 0 19 Jul 2014 06:28
hayike EU SL 100 i need all rare weapons to get last trohpy engilsh GMT / UTC 0 19 Jul 2014 03:23
Tlechy US Playing a int/faith character, level 90. Co-op!! English US Mountain 0 12 Jul 2014 09:40
StrikeTLC EU Thief, SL140/NG+ (Conviction)

High: Endurance max. Stamina, Strenght (45)
on build: Dexterity (act. 35), Intelligence & Attunement (act. 16 & 12), VItality (act. 30)
English, German Central Europe 0 12 Jul 2014 00:01
Shadowday567 US 1st playthrough Level 74 Warrior
standard high stamina, vitality, strength
need to practice my pvp as I'm relatively bad in combat. Also, would love helping others in coop English US Eastern 0 08 Jul 2014 18:30
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